Redis > Examples > Bulk Transactions Support

In this example, a service was built to show how to execute a batch of commands at the same time. Assuming we want to add all existing logged in customers to a VIP set, then we can do that using a pipeline feature of Redis and execute multiple commands together as shown in the below API implementation:

    @ApiOperation(value = "add All current Logged In Customers to VIP ", notes = "Returns execution summery", response = String.class)
    @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Coudln't access Redis") })
    public String addToVIP() {

        try {

            long sortedSetSize = this.jedisClient.zcard("login:");
            Set<String> allLoggedInUsers = this.jedisClient.zrange("login:", 0,
                    sortedSetSize - 1);

            String[] tokenList = allLoggedInUsers
                    .toArray(new String[allLoggedInUsers.size()]);
            Pipeline pipe = this.jedisClient.pipelined();
            ArrayList<Response<Long>> responses = new ArrayList<Response<Long>>();
            for (String token : tokenList) {
                responses.add(pipe.sadd("VIP:", token));

            return checkReponses(responses);

        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Coudln't access Redis" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
            final String shortReason = "Coudln't access Redis";
            Exception cause = new IllegalArgumentException(shortReason);
            throw new WebApplicationException(cause,

As can be seen above, we start a pipeline, execute all the commands and then check the results at once. We check the results, using the below function:

private String checkReponses(ArrayList<Response<Long>> responses) {
        int notExecutedCount = 0;
        int executedCount = 0;
        int totalCount = 0;
        for (Response<Long> response : responses) {
            if (response.get() == 0) {
            } else if (response.get() == 1) {
            } else {
      "response is" + response.get());
        }"out of:" + totalCount
                + " commands, number of successfully executed commands are:"
                + executedCount + " and number of errored out commands are:"
                + notExecutedCount);

        return ("out of:" + totalCount
                + " commands, number of successfully executed commands are:"
                + executedCount + " and number of errored out commands are:" + notExecutedCount).toString();